Degree College Anantnag..


The college library is fully automated and is enriched with recent books, journals, magazines, encyclopaedia , and reference books. There are separate sections in the library like lending section, reference section, browsing centre, and a reading room. Library is used by the teacher and students apart from reading in the reading room. Course books are issued while reference books are there to be referred. Library is well furnished with modern facilities. Many departments have a departmental library with reference books, journals and donated by faculty members.

The College Library has 46000 text and 12000 reference books to cater the need of about 3000 students. The library services are provided by the library staff comprised of One Chief Librarian, One Library Assistant, One library bearer, One Orderly and 05 Local fund employees. It is in place to mention that the students and the staff has an easy access to the library


  • Two OPAC terminals at the Entry serve to facilitate searching and reservation of books.
  • Students are issued barcoded Identity cards, that are designed and Printed by the College Library Staff
  • The college library hosts Career Counselling Cell for Career guidance of the Students.
  • Two Internet Browsing centers are managed by the library to provide internet access to Students and Faculty.
  • College Reprographic facility for students is housed in the College Library.
  • Reading rooms for Boys and Girls are also housed in the Library Block.

Rules and Regulations

  • Circulation of Books is automated using Bar-coded Identity Cards issued to students.
  • Students can retain a book for 15 days. Books can be reissued if they are not in demand.
  • Final year students can borrow 4 books at a time.
  • Failure to return a book on expiry of due date will involve the payment of a fine of 0.50 p per day.
  • Students must mark their entries in the visitor's Register
  • Students must maintain silence and discipline in the library. 01932-222308